How am I doing? (Russia Reviewed end-of-year survey 2016)

Juvenalia: Writing by a younger, less sophisticated me. Read on, but remember that this belongs to the old world. 🥚

I realize this blog’s only existed for ten months, but with the end of the year fast approaching I figured I should go ahead and collect some feedback.

So if you’re a regular or occasional reader of Russia Reviewed and have a few minutes to spare, please take my end-of-year survey. Behind this two-letter pseudonym lurks a real person who truly cares about how others view her work.

The survey will close on January 1st.

12/28/16: This survey is now closed.


  1. Just finished the survey. Furiously handshake for such innovative (at least – for me) form of feedback collection from a blogger.

    ТакЪ победимЪ!


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